The pandemic influenza vaccines are not expected to provide protection against other influenza viruses. 当前,甲型流感疫苗不提供对其他流感病毒的免疫保护,而目前的季节性流感疫苗也不包含甲流病毒,因此有必要接种甲型流感疫苗和季节性流感疫苗。
Let me mention some: AIDS, pandemic influenza, a new disease like SARS, or bioterrorism using a virus like smallpox. 我谨提及其中一些:艾滋病、大流行性流感、严重急性呼吸道综合征这样的新疾病,或者利用天花等病毒的生物恐怖主义。
First, let me clarify the difference between seasonal flu, avian flu, and human pandemic influenza. 首先,让我澄清季节性流感、禽流感与人类大流行性流感之间的区别。
Since current seasonal influenza vaccines do not contain the pandemic virus, people should be vaccinated against both pandemic influenza and seasonal influenza. 由于当前的季节性流感疫苗不包含大流行性流感病毒,人们应针对大流行性流感和季节性流感两者接种疫苗。
We have drawn up the Pandemic Influenza Strategic Action Plan for this year and next. 我们制定了今年和明年的大流行性流感战略行动计划。
Any vaccine available to prevent pandemic influenza? 有没有预防大流行流感的疫苗?
The United States announced a new International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza at the World Summit in New York. 美国在纽约世界首脑会议上宣布了一项新的禽流感和大流行性流感国际伙伴关系。
Will there be enough pandemic influenza vaccine for everyone? 是否将能有足够的大流行性流感疫苗供每个人使用?
Preliminary genetic sequencing shows that the virus is similar to the virus used for production of the pandemic influenza vaccine, reconfirming the vaccine's efficacy at this time. 基因测序初步表明,该病毒与用于大流行性流感疫苗生产的病毒类似,这再次确认了当前所用疫苗的有效性。
What technologies are being used to grow pandemic influenza viruses to make vaccines? 正在使用何种技术为生产疫苗繁殖大流行性流感病毒?
Where are pandemic influenza vaccines being produced? 大流行性流感疫苗在何处生产?
WHO's experience in working with Member States on pandemic influenza preparedness has highlighted areas that need greatest support. 世卫组织与会员国在防范大流行性流感合作方面的经验突出地显示了最需要支持的领域。
The committee discussed plans for the global monitoring of the safety of pandemic influenza vaccine. 委员会讨论了关于全球监测大流行性流感疫苗安全性的计划。
The Committee was informed of a process initiated for the development of post-marketing surveillance protocols for pandemic influenza vaccine. GACVS获悉,已启动了制定大流行性流感疫苗上市后监测方案的程序。
Can pandemic influenza vaccines be administered with the seasonal influenza vaccine? 大流行性流感疫苗是否能与季节性流感疫苗一起接种?
To close the several billion dose pandemic influenza vaccine gap the Global Action Plan laid out three approaches. 要缩小数十亿剂大流行性流感疫苗差距,全球行动计划确定了三项举措。
Under his guidance, the Programme greatly expanded its global role in providing technical leadership and guidance related to seasonal, avian and pandemic influenza. 在他的指导下,该规划大大扩展了其在提供与季节性流感、禽流感和大流行性流感相关的技术领导和指导方面的全球作用。
As with seasonal influenza, the principal defences against a new pandemic influenza strain are vaccination and antiviral drugs. 与季节性流感一样,新流感大流行的预防有免疫接种和抗流感药。
Safety monitoring systems are an integral part of strategies for the implementation of the new pandemic influenza vaccines. 安全监测系统是新大流行性流感疫苗实施战略的一个组成部分。
Production of the pandemic influenza vaccines continue but in some areas demand for vaccination is greater than the supply. 正在继续生产大流行性流感疫苗,但有些地区对疫苗接种的需求大于供给。
So far, evidence suggests that current seasonal influenza vaccines will not be protective against pandemic influenza. 迄今,证据显示当前的季节性流感疫苗不能提供针对大流行性流感的保护。
Why do some pandemic influenza vaccines contain adjuvants and others don't? 为什么有些大流行性流感疫苗含有佐剂,另一些则不含有?
The update also covered certain countries reporting active pandemic influenza virus transmission. 一些国家报告称,大流行性流感病毒呈活跃性传播,在介绍最新情况时也已囊括这一情况。
He took the fight against infectious diseases, and particularly the threat of pandemic influenza to a new level. 他将防治传染病,尤其是大流行性流感威胁的斗争推向新的阶段。
Regulatory preparedness for human pandemic influenza vaccines. 人类大流行性流感疫苗监管准备。
Moreover, routine testing for pandemic influenza is costly and demanding, and beyond the reach of most countries. 此外,常规检测大流行性流感需要较高的费用和技能,超越了多数国家能力可及的范围。
WHO is aware of some media reports that have expressed concern about the safety of vaccines for pandemic influenza. 世卫组织意识到有些媒体报道对大流行性流感疫苗的安全性表示关注。
We are pleased with progress in the pandemic influenza vaccine area since our Global Action Plan was published. 我们对“全球行动计划”发表以来在大流行性流感疫苗领域取得的进展感到高兴。
Will current seasonal influenza vaccines offer any protection against pandemic influenza infection? 当前的季节性流感疫苗是否能对大流行性流感感染提供任何保护?
What is the global manufacturing capacity for pandemic influenza vaccines? 全球大流行性流感疫苗生产能力有多大?